CyanX offers humidification solutions from leading supplier Ikeuchi Europe BV.
Ikeuchi is a Japanese manufacturer of high-quality spray nozzles and humidification systems that are suitable for various industries, specifically in manufacturing.
The company has developed innovative, high-precision products for over 60 years in markets ranging from printing to automotive, from electronics to pollution control.
Many materials can be negatively impacted by not having the right humidification solution. Materials such as paper, packaging boards, and even plastics can distort, not work well, and can cause damage to machinery, build up static, or even become unusable if the humidity is not right. Any product that is sensitive to moisture changes benefits from getting your humidification right.
Ikeuchi’s Dry Fog humidification system helps to prevent product defects or work environment problems caused by low humidity or static charges. Dry Fog humidification can be used as a nonwetting solution.
It can maintain optimal humidity levels for large areas or provide spot humidification for small areas, specific processes, or a machine. The running costs of these systems are one-fifth of a like-for-like steam humidification system, resulting in dramatic energy savings.
Humidity control can also contribute to a better working environment for employees. Maintaining an optimal humidity level helps create a more healthy and comfortable atmosphere.
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10th February 2024